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9 campsites in burgos (showing from 1 to 9) Show all campsites on the map
Burgos > Monasterio de Rodilla
... and historical city of Burgos. Only at 15 minutes from Burgos, near the Camino de...preference!!. Castile and Leon, Monasterio de Rodilla, Burgos Campsite Picon del Conde offers complete facilities... and historical city of Burgos....
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Burgos > Pancorbo
...León. Located in the province of Burgos and just at 12 km from ...the "Camino Frances" (French Way) in Burgos.If what you like is climbing, ...the forest. Castile and Leon, Pancorbo, Burgos The campsite El Desfiladero (The gorge) ...the "Camino...
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Burgos > Castrojeriz
Castile and Leon, Castrojeriz, Burgos Camping Camino de Santiago, Toilets, Showers with ...-washing basins, Laundry sink, Laudry machine, WC, Tennis court, Mountain-bike rental, 3 mobil home...
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Burgos > Aranda de Duero
... the ferries, being 80 km. south of Burgos. This is the capital of the Ribera... languages). Castile and Leon, Aranda de Duero, Burgos Campsite Costajan is located on the Meseta... the ferries, being 80 km. south of Burgos. This is the capital...
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Burgos > Ameyugo
Castile and Leon, Ameyugo, Burgos Camping Monumento al Pastor, Showers with warm ... with cold water, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and..., Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis court,...
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Burgos > Arija
Castile and Leon, Arija, Burgos Camping Playa de Arija, Showers with warm... Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis court,...
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Burgos > Cabia
..., Burgos Camping Camping Cabia, Showers with warm water, Outdoor swimming pool, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis..., Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis court, Children's playground (under 12 years... Sports, Golf, Rock climbing...
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Burgos > Covarrubias
Castile and Leon, Covarrubias, Burgos Camping Covarrubias, Showers with warm water, ... swimming pool, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis court,...
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Burgos > Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja
...Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja, Burgos Camping Villarcayo, Toilets, Showers with warm...swimming pool, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and...dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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