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51 campsites in castile leon (showing from 31 to 40) Show all campsites on the map
Palencia > Saldaña
Castile and Leon, Saldaña, Palencia Camping El Soto, Showers with ..., Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Salamanca > Cabrerizos
Castile and Leon, Cabrerizos, Salamanca Camping Don Quijote, Toilets, Showers ..., Outdoor swimming pool, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Campsite El Portal de la Sierra
Salamanca > Linares de Riofrío
Castile and Leon, Linares de Riofrío, Salamanca Camping El Portal ..., Outdoor swimming pool, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and..., Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Parque Natural de Las Batuecas - Sierra de Francia > Salamanca > Sotoserrano
Castile and Leon, Sotoserrano, Salamanca, Parque Natural de Las Batuecas - ... Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Segovia > Cantalejo
Castile and Leon, Cantalejo, Segovia Camping Hoces del Duratón, Toilets, ... basins, Laundry sink, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and..., Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Segovia > Riaza
Castile and Leon, Riaza, Segovia Camping Riaza, Toilets, Showers with ...swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Campsite Refugio de Pescadores
Soria > Covaleda
Castile and Leon, Covaleda, Soria Camping Refugio de Pescadores, Showers ... Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Zamora > Galende
Castile and Leon, Galende, Zamora Camping Peña Gullón, Showers with ... Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and... Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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Zamora > Vigo de Sanabria
Castile and Leon, Vigo de Sanabria, Zamora Camping El Folgoso, ..., Laundry sink, Laundry, Adventure playground (under 12), Tennis court, Multifunctional sports field, Water games and..., Dry dock, Canoe and kayak rental, Indoor tennis...
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León > benavides de orbigo
Castile and Leon, benavides de orbigo, León Camping El Antojano, Toilets, Showers with warm water, Washbasins with cold water, Washbasins with warm water, Drain for chemial toilets, Outdoor swimming pool, Tennis court, Pelota court,...
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